Whether due to an unexpected system error or an accidental deletion, losing your hard-earned progress can be frustrating. This article will guide you through the process of recovering your Blasphemous 2 game data from backup files, ensuring that your journey through Cvstodia continues uninterrupted.


In order to resore your progress in Blasphemous 2, all you need to do is the following 3 simple steps:

  1. Navigate to the 'Savegames' folder
  2. Copy the backup file
  3. Rename the backup file

The article presented below will guide through each of the step, so that you can restore your progress and get back into the action with no time!


1. Navigate to the 'Savegames' folder

The game stores your progress in a folder named 'Savegames'. This folder is located inside another folder named with your Steam ID number (the long 17-digit number that starts with 7), which can be found in the following directory:

C:\Users\%username%\AppData\LocalLow\The Game Kitchen\Blasphemous 2

Blasphemous 2 folder Users AppData LocalLow

Then open the 'SteamUser_[ID]' folder.

SteamUser_[ID] folder inside Blasphemous 2 User AppData LocalLow

Here you will find the 'Savegames' folder. Inside, there should be at least a couple of savegame files. At first glance, they might look cryptic, but they are actually quite simple to understand. There are 3 save slots available and the game stores one save and one backup file for each of the slots. If you're using more than one slot, it's important to know that the files for slot 1 are the ones with 0 (savegame_0.bin and savegame_0_bk.bin as in the example below), the files for slot 2 will have 1 (savegame_1.bin and savegame_1_bk.bin), and for slot 3 will have 2 (savegame_2.bin and savegame_2_bk.bin).

An example of a save and a backup save file for slot 1:

Savegames folder for Blasphemous 2


2. Copy the backup file

All you need to do now is to rename the backup file so that it looks like a save. First, let's start from creating a copy of the backup file so that you won't lose the original, in case something goes wrong. You can do this quickly by selecting the backup file (in our example, select savegame_0_bk.bin) and pressing Ctrl+C Ctrl+V. This command will automatically place a copy of the file inside the folder.


3. Rename the backup file

If the folder already contains a save file with the same name as the one you want to create, move the existing save file out of the folder to avoid conflicts when renaming the backup file. If the save file is damaged, you can simply delete it, as you won't need it anymore.

Now, click the copy of the backup file you created and rename it to match the corresponding save file (in our example, rename it to savegame_0.bin).

Ensure that the 'Savegames' folder contains only save files and backup save files. If there are any extra files, remove them to prevent interference with your saves.

Finally, it is time to jump back into the depths of Cvstodia and continue your epic quest!