Are you frequently encountering the 'Lost Connection to Host' error message while playing Hell Let Loose? We appreciate this frustrating issue can disrupt your gaming experience so in this article, we'll explore several potential causes behind this error and provide you with effective troubleshooting steps to help you get back into action.


Solution 1: Power cycle your console

At times, the tried-and-true method of powering something off and on again can be beneficial. Power cycling your console operates similarly; however, instead of simply restarting the console, you're clearing out the cache from the Xbox. This action can assist in resolving various connectivity, hardware, or performance issues, thereby potentially improving overall system functionality.

To power cycle your console, simply close the game and turn off your Xbox. Then, unplug the Xbox completely and leave it unplugged for 5 minutes. Once this time is up, plug the Xbox back in a retest the game.

Solution 2: Clear your alternate MAC address 

Clearing the MAC address on your Xbox can prove beneficial in certain scenarios, including tackling network connectivity issues. This process involves reverting the MAC address to its default setting or generating a fresh one, which can address various network issues like sluggish internet speeds, intermittent connection drops, or trouble connecting to a particular network. By resetting the MAC address, your Xbox has the chance to acquire a new IP address from the router, potentially alleviating these concerns! To do this:

  1. Open the Xbox Guide by pressing the guide button on the controller and selecting Settings.
  2. Select Network Settings.
  3. Select Advanced Settings.
  4. Under Change Settings select Alternate MAC Address.
  5. Select Clear.
  6. Allow the console to restart when prompted.

Solution 3: Change your region

Many players who have encountered this issue have reported successful resolution after adjusting their preferred region settings. To change your preferred region, follow these steps:

  1. Launch the game and go into your Settings
  2. Make sure you have your correct region selected
  3. If you do and the issue persists, attempt to change this option - e.g. if a region is selected specifically, try using the next closest region to you or use the 'Any' option instead

Then please attempt to join a game and see if the issue persists.

This adjustment allows your gaming platform to connect to servers in a different geographical area, potentially offering a more stable connection and smoother gameplay experience.

It's important to note that while this solution has proven effective for some players, results may vary depending on individual network conditions and server availability in different regions. Experimenting with different regions can help you find the optimal setting for your specific circumstances.

Solution 4: Remove and re-add your profile

In some circumstances, the profile on your Xbox console may be causing the issue. If this is the case, you can fix this by removing this profile from the console and then downloading it again. To remove your profile:

  1. Press the Xbox button to open the guide
  2. Select Profile & system > Settings > Account > Remove accounts
  3. Select the account you want to remove (the one that's experiencing the issue), and then select Remove

Now download your profile again to create a fresh version of your profile data:

  1. Press the Xbox button to open the guide
  2. Select Profile & system > select Add or Switch > Add New
  3. Type in the email address and password that you use to access your Microsoft account (the same account you just removed)

Important: Make sure that you do not select Get a new account unless that's what you want to do. If you select Get a New Account, you will create a brand-new Microsoft account.

Follow the prompts as the console walks you through account setup steps such as privacy info, sign-in, and colour preferences until you return to the Home screen.

Once you have completed the process of re-creating your profile on the Xbox console and have returned to the Home screen, try to play your game again.

Solution 5: Change your router settings

Occasionally, your router settings might hinder access to the servers, potentially triggering the 'Lost Connection to Host' error.

To ensure optimal connectivity during gameplay, we've compiled some general tips. However, due to the diverse range of connections and router setups, we regretfully cannot provide specific instructions. If you require assistance with adjusting router settings, we recommend contacting your Internet Service Provider (ISP) or router manufacturer for guidance.

Please first, ensure that your network isn't subject to any restrictions - this can often be a concern with networks found in educational institutions such as schools, colleges, and universities as well as apartments that share a public connection. 

  • If your console is connected to the router wirelessly, please use a LAN cable instead
  • If your NAT is set to Type 3, please switch it to Type 2 or Type 1
  • Make sure that UPnP is enabled (your modem should support UPnP and NAT)
  • Check if there is a Firewall enabled and if you can turn it off and retest the game
  • Check if you have any other advanced security settings that you can disable
  • For a WiFi connection, check what frequency your network is using. If it's 5GHz or both 5GHz and 2.4GHz, try changing the option to 2.4GHz only

Simple Solutions:

  • You can also turn the Crossplay option off if your party are all on Xbox to see if this helps.

If you find you are still receiving the 'Lost Connection to Host' error after following all the steps outlined above, don't hesitate to reach out to us for further assistance.